Child Nutrition Program

School Lunch Logo

Breakfast and Lunch Menus


All Students to Eat Free of Charge

Thanks to the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), all students enrolled in Marengo County Schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at no charge.  Under this program, students, regardless of income status, receive one breakfast and one lunch meal at no charge.  Additional student meals, however, as well as faculty and guest meals, will be charged at the normal price, and students will continue to have the option to purchase a la carte items, as well.


The USDA CEP – Community Eligibility Provision is designed to improve access to free school meals in high poverty areas while reducing the administrative burden of collecting household applications. This provision allows schools that predominantly serve low-income children to offer free, nutritious school meals through the School Breakfast Program and the National School Lunch Program.  In the absence of paper applications, eligibility for participation is determined by information from other programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Temporary Assistance Program for Needy Families (TANF).   


The goal of Marengo County Schools Child Nutrition Program is to influence students' eating habits by assisting them in making healthy eating choices.  The School Breakfast Program (SBP) and the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) are designed to promote the health and well-being of children by providing nutritious and wholesome meals. 

Our Child Nutrition Program assists our local schools in providing quality nutritious meals each day that prepare children for learning.  For more information, contact the CNP Director, at (334) 295-2234.

"Better Nutrition for Healthy Bodies & Growing Minds"

Sweet Water High School
Sweet Water, Alabama

Child Nutrition Team

TBD, Manager

Gwendolyn Lockett, Asst. Manager

Dorris Richardson

Adrella Smith

Taffey Watkins

Kathy Henslee, CNP Bookkeeper

Marengo High School
Dixons Mills, Alabama

Child Nutrition Team

Teresa Lewis, Manager

Melody Bennett, Assistant Manager

Lesia Agee

Charlotte Young

Vanessa Brown, CNP Bookkeeper

Amelia Love Johnson High School Thomaston, Alabama

Child Nutrition Team

Wendy Hunter, Manager

Delores Lee

Gwendolyn Williams

 Kandra Walker, CNP Bookkeeper

Marengo County schools breakfast program
food tray

Start the Day off Right With A Well-Balanced Breakfast!

Research has shown that school breakfast improves student behavior, test scores, and attendance.

Marengo County Schools participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). This program allows all enrolled students in our schools to receive FREE breakfast (and lunch).

Breakfast is served daily.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Encourage your child to eat breakfast at school!

cups of fruit

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Breakfast - $.30 cents
Lunch - $.40 cents
Full Price:
Breakfast - $2.00
Lunch - $2.75
Adult Employees:
Breakfast - $3.15
Lunch - $4.65
Breakfast - $3.50
Lunch - $5.75

Children need healthy meals to learn.
Marengo County Schools offers healthy meals every school day.

For the current school year, the Child Nutrition Program (CNP) of the Marengo County School District will continue to provide breakfast and lunch meals to all enrolled students at no charge through the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program.  In order to receive USDA reimbursement, Marengo County School District must follow the guidelines that require all meals must be accountable.  All students will have a POS ID number (PIN#) that will be entered in the POS system at the time of service.  This will identify the students and the meals served.


The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program does not require lunch applications.  Therefore, all students will receive breakfast and lunch meals at no charge.  The collection of meal applications are suspended.  No further action is required of parents. The Marengo County School System will receive reimbursement for a complete reimbursable meal per student.  Students will still have the option to purchase extra meals at a cost and A LA CARTE items at the food prices approved by the Marengo County Schools' Child Nutrition Program.  Payments for these items can be made in the form of cash at the POS system or through an advance payment made through  All extra purchases including A LA CARTE items must be paid for during the time of service.  Adult Employees and Visitors must pay for their meals in advance or at the time of service.  Absolutely no meal charges will be allowed.

Nutrition Program Link

Marengo County Schools uses cycle menus. The cycle menu is a series of menus planned to be used consecutively with some variations over a period of time. 

The cycle menu may be rotated with appropriate changes on a quarterly or seasonal basis. They may be reviewed continuously to increase variety and eliminate unpopular dishes. Cycle meals save time and are easier to analyze thoroughly.

Advantages of the Cycle Menus

The principle advantages of a cycle menu are better meals, time savings, improved cost control, and more effective supervision.

While the cycle menu is in use, the menu planner can refine the menu and make changes, tailoring it to available supplies and incorporating seasonal fruits and vegetables and special school events. The cycle period can consist of as many weeks or months as practical.

Experience gained through actual preparation and service of the cycle menu points out shortcuts, better preparation techniques, proper timing of food preparation, the arrangement of food on the serving line, preferred serving sizes, and the most attractive arrangement of food on the trays.

The Marengo County Schools Child Nutrition Porgram is happy to accomodate students with special dietary needs and food allergies within our abilities. Students must provide written medical documentation from the treating physician in order to provide for this accomodation. This documentation must include, but is not limited to:

  • A statement of what the allergy is
  • What dietary changes from the traditional school meal are necessary
  • What specific foods must be omitted or substituted and what dietary items can be used to replace them with

This documenation should be given to the school nurse. A copy should also be provided to the CNP Manager in the school cafeteria. Handwritten notes written by parents will not be accepted.

If you have any quesitn or concerns, please contact Tonya Wingfield, CNP Director, at 334-295-2234.



The mission of the Marengo County School Board of Education’s Wellness Policy is to provide each student with the opportunities and skills necessary to make nutritious food and physical activity choices for a life time.  All staff is encouraged to serve as role models for healthy eating and physical activity.


I.       Nutrition Education

II.      Physical Activity

III.     Nutrition Guidelines for Food on Campus

IV.     Other School Based Activities

V.       Monitoring, Assessment and Policy Review


A)   Alabama Healthy Snack Standards

B)   Alabama Department of Education Nutrition Policies

     I.    Nutrition Education will involve sharing information with school staff, students and families to positively impact students and their health. 
          a)   Nutrition education will include age appropriate objectives required in the Alabama Course of Study for Health Education.
          b)   Local school faculties shall be adequately prepared and participate annually in professional development activities provided by the local school to deliver the nutrition education program as planned.
          c)   Nutrition Education will be integrated into other areas of the curriculum such as math, science, language arts, social studies, health, physical education and Family and Consumer Science.
          d)   Students are encouraged to participate in the child nutrition program for breakfast and lunch.
          e)   Nutritional Information on school meals will be provided on request. 

     II.   Physical Activity will be integrated across the curricula and throughout the school day. Students will be encouraged to balance food intake and physical activity.
          a)    Physical Education will be provided for all students in accordance with the Code of Alabama.
          b)    Physical Education includes the instruction of individual activities, as well as competitive and non-competitive team sports to encourage like-long physical activity.
          c)    Time allotted for physical education activities will be consistent with state standards.
          d)     The Board encourages Physical Education course to be conducted in an environment where students can learn, practice and be assessed on developmentally appropriate skills and also recommends Student/Teacher ratios reflect SDE guidelines as closely as possible.
          e)     Parent/Teacher organizations will be encouraged to promote and provide information to families in order to help them incorporate physical activity into their children’s lives.

     III.   Nutrition Guidelines for all Foods on Campus will comply with current USDA Dietary Guidelines and Alabama Department of Education Nutrition Policies.
          a)   Foods sold through the vending machines, cafeteria, fund, raisers, and school canteens will follow the Alabama’s Action for Healthy Kids Guidelines for Snack Foods and Alabama Department of Education Nutrition Policies.
          b)   Fund raisers during the school day must comply with the Alabama Action for Healthy Kids Guidelines and the SDE policy on the sale of competitive foods.  For all fundraisers not meeting these standards, principals must submit an Alabama’s Implementation of USDA Smart Snacks in School and Exempt Fundraiser Form to the Child Nutrition Director.
          c)   Student reward initiatives will be regulated by the school principal.  This process must comply with the SDE policy on the sale of competitive foods and must follow the Alabama Action for Healthy Kids Guidelines.
          d)   Advertising of foods or beverages in the areas assessable to students during the school day must reinforce the objectives of the educational and nutrition environment goals of the school and be consistent with established nutrition environment standards.
          e)   Students many bring their breakfast or lunch from home to consume in the cafeteria.  Parents are encouraged to pack healthy nutritious breakfasts and lunches. 

     IV.  Other School-Based Activities.  The system recognizes the importance of creating a School environment that sends consistent wellness messages.
          a)    Concession stands open for extra-curricular activities after the school day ends, will not be required to comply with snack guidelines.
          b)    Fund raisers after the school day ends will not be required to comply with these guidelines according to the Alabama Department of Education Nutrition Policies dated July 2005. 
          c}    Guidelines for class parties/special snacks will be at the discretion of the school principal.  Healthy snacks are encouraged and should be recommended.  All class parties must be after meal time. 
          d)    Schools are encouraged to comply with USDA standards for meals when taking off campus field trips but are not required to comply.
          e)    Health and nutrition efforts will be coordinated through combined efforts of system administrators, teachers, nurses, and child nutrition workers.
          f)     The system promotes coordinated efforts with local agencies such as the Marengo County Health Department and insurance providers to offer wellness checkups for faculty and staff within the school setting.  Additional staff wellness activities may be implemented at the local level.
          g)    System leaders, teachers, parents, and community members are encouraged to take advantage of additional resources to support good nutrition and physical activity.

     I.     Monitoring, Assessment, and Policy Review
Monitoring:  The superintendent or designee will ensure compliance with established district-wide nutrition and physical activity wellness policies.  The principal will ensure compliance in his/her school and will report on the school’s compliance to the superintendent or designee.

School Food Service Staff:  School food service staff at the local district level, will ensure compliance with nutrition policies within school food service areas and will report findings to the local school principal.  In addition, local school principal will report findings to the superintendent or designee. 

Policy Review:  An annual revision may be made as a result of continued monitoring of the Wellness Policy.  Triennial Assessments must be conducted to determine:
     1.      Compliance with the wellness policy
     2.      How the wellness policy compares to model wellness policies; and
     3.      Progress made in attaining the goals of the wellness policy 

Assessment:  Assessment will be conducted annually to review compliance, assess compliance, assess progress, and determine areas in need of adjustment.

What are the requirements of Offer vs Serve? Offer versus Serve is a concept that applies to menu planning and the meal service. OVS allows students to decline some of the food offered in a reimbursable breakfast or lunch. The goals of the OVS are to reduce food waste and to permit students to choose the foods they want to eat. Because students may choose fewer selections under OVS, guidance is provided on what constitutes a reimbursable breakfast and lunch. SBP (School Breakfast Program) The meal requirements for the breakfast program are: One ounce equivalent of grain, One cup of fruit, vegetable, or full strength fruit or vegetable juice, One-half pint of milk. Under OVS, a school must offer at least 4 food items at breakfast. Students may select all four items but must pick up at least 3 different food items in the applicable minimum required serving size for the meal to be reimbursable. NSLP (National School Lunch Program) The meal requirements for the lunch program are: Meat or Meat alternate, Vegetable and Fruit , Bread or Bread alternate, Fluid milk. Under OVS, a school must offer 5 food components. All components must be offered in the required amounts; however, the student is required to take only 3 of the 5 food items; 1 of the items chosen must be a full serving of fruit or vegetable. Students must select at least 1/2 cup of vegetables to count toward a reimbursable meal. Three food components are required to support a minimally adequate nutritious meal for students as well as to support the amount of Federal reimbursement. The following food items must be offered for lunch: Meat or Meat alternate K-8: 1 oz. 9-12: 2 oz., Vegetable and Fruit K-8: 4 oz. 9-12: 8 oz., Bread or Bread alternate K-8: 1 oz. 9-12: 2 oz., Milk K-8: 8 oz. 9-12: 8 oz..
Do I need to fill out an Lunch Application for each child? No. Use one application for all students in your household. We cannot approve an application that is not complete, so be sure to fill out all of the required information. Return the application to the local school.
How can I let the school know about my child medical conditions/food allergies? If your child has a medical condition or food allergy, a physician's statement (written by the physician) must be on file in the School Nurse's Office and Child Nutrition Manager's Office. The physican's statement must be current. Handwritten notes written by the parents will not be allowed.
Will I be allowed to take my child a pizza while he/she is in the cafeteria? No. Competitive foods are not allowed in the cafeteria. Parents nor students should bring food from outside sources (Restaurants, Convenience Stores or Snack Machines) inside the cafeteria. Students are permitted to bring lunch from home if the lunch is in a plain (no logo) paper bag, sandwich bag or foil. No carbonated beverages or drinks of minimal nutritional value are allowed inside the cafeteria.

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.  Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at:, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form.  To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992.  

Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:

(1) Mail:  
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410

(2)  Fax:
(202) 690-7442; or

(3) Email:

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.